Holly hates other dogs

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Boxer Pal
My white boxer Holly lives peacefully with Kramer our brindle boy. They are both rescued boxers although from different places. We have had Holly now for three years and in that time have attended various behaviour classes as she is very dog aggressive. We are used now to taking her places where she is not likely to meet other dogs but I do miss going for walks and socialising with other people and dogs. Wondered if anyone else has this problem .


Boxer Pal
Our boy Payton gets along great with his little bassett mix brother and most other dogs that come over to our house, but if we are out and run into another dog he gets very aggressive. We thought it was because it was nuetral territorry and he felt that he needed to establish his dominance. We came to find out that he is actually just trying to protect us At one point we took him to get groomed, and the lady said that he had played with a golden in the back the whole time and had fun. My wife was curious about this, so she went back to see them play and Payton became very aggressive towards the golden, the same one he had just played with for a 2 hours. We too need to be very careful of where we take him.
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