Hi there

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Boxer Pal
I just found you today.
I have a female,she's 9 months,she's my first Boxer..what a clown,are they all so silly??


Boxer Insane
Congratulations on having a Boxer, what is her name, and what does she look like? In answer to your question, yes, they all act silly, but at the same time are so lovable that you will never switch to another breed. Sergeant is our third Boxer, he will be six years young next month.

Sergeant. 6 in October. Light brindle, natural ears. Full of fun.

Shirley's Mom

Boxer Pal
Welcome to you too! Like you, this is my 1st boxer. Shirley will be 2 at the end of November. I'm sorry that I missed her "puppy years", so enjoy!


Boxer Insane
Hi and welcome! So nice you have joined us :) You'll love the board and get addicted to it pretty soon. There are so many nice people here to talk to about our furbabies.
I myself have a 3,5 year old female boxer. her name is Tina and she is the sweetest thing in the world!

Marina (Lelu)
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