Help, he's driving me insane!

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Super Boxer
Sam is so good...most of the time. The one bad habit I can't seem to change is him eating off the kitchen table:( He is ALWAYS jumping up to see what's there for him to snatch. When I see him do this, I tell him no in a firm voice, and he KNOWS that he isn't supposed to do it but just let me walk into another room and he's at it again! This is truly frustrating me! What can I do?? BTW, the kids are good about picking up their plates so there isn't really anything for him to get other than crumbs, although once you sit down to eat you absolutely cannot get up with Sam in the house because he will eat your food ( I have been putting him outside during meal times). ANY help at all would be much appreciated!!


Boxer Insane
I would make sure that there is NEVER anything there for him to get. All it takes is one time for him to be "rewarded" by the behavior (such as being able to get something from there) and he will remember that good things can be found on the table!

Putting him outside doesn't teach him the proper way to behave while you are eating. It just stops the behavior until he is back inside. Try getting him to go to a certain location while you are having dinner, (bed, under table at your feet, another room etc....). Reward him for doing the right thing, and ignore him for actions you don't like. Definatly NO food from the table as you are eating. With lots of persistance and patience this behavior can be changed, he just needs to be taught what the right thing is.

Susi & Cami


Super Boxer
Like I already mentioned, there isn't anything on the table for him to get. That dosen't seem to matter to him, he will just lick the table (yuck).

Also, the reason I put him in the garage during our dinner is because that's when he gets his dinner. I have him eat out there because he makes such a mess when he eats.


Boxer Insane
With Tyson getting bigger, he's started to "counter and table surf". He's always trying to get his paws up there. I first tell him off and then put him into a sit/stay or down/stay. Some meals he automatically lays by my feet and other times he tries to get to the table. It takes a lot of hard work, especially when they can smell/see yummy things on the table, but I can see improvement.
I don't know how you would feel about this, but maybe try and spray some bitter apple on the table. One lick of that and he shouldn't want to go back.


Boxer Booster
Try using a squirt bottle with water or a shake can (empty soda can filled with a bunch of coins and taped shut). See which is a better deterrant. I had success with the shake can. Do you crate your pup? Try putting him in the crate while you eat.

;-) Mo


Boxer Insane
robynkendall said:
The one bad habit I can't seem to change is him eating off the kitchen table:( He is ALWAYS jumping up to see what's there for him to snatch. When I see him do this, I tell him no in a firm voice, and he KNOWS that he isn't supposed to do it but just let me walk into another room and he's at it again! This is truly frustrating me! What can I do??


I have just finished reading about this in Jean Donaldson's book "Culture Clash" and she talked about this specific thing. She said that your dog just learned that it was dangerous to get on the table when you are there not when you arent. You might want to pick up the book. She went into detail about how to train them out of this habit.

Good Luck,


Boxer Buddy
your not alone

Dookie does the same exact thing! It doesnt matter if there is food or not on the table, he is constantly putting his face on it. I keep telling him "face off" but he gives me this funny look and wag's his whole back end. He knows he isnt to act like that but he test's me every day. We put him in his cage when we eat because I dont allow begging either. Good luck, if you find a solution, let me know.


Boxer Buddy
Our Max likes to counter surf and was starting to bring things down with him. We put foil on the counters and the first time he jumped up and got the foil it scared the lights out of him. The foil came down with him and he just jumped back!! He hasn't jumped up on the counters since. Putting double-sided tape down was also a suggestion that was given to us to use. The dogs paws will hit the tape and they don't like things on their paws so.... Anyway, you may want to try these ideas and see if they work for you.

Steph and Max


Boxer Pal
My dog used to do that but seemed to outgrow the habit when he was about 2. Either that or he finally decided to listen to me when I say no. LOL!


Super Boxer
Hmmmm...I think I may have to go and buy that Culture Clash book (and some double sided tape,and foil:)) as Sam is now getting into the kitchen trash again as well (hasn't done that in months!). But he's making me so crazy, I HAVE to do SOMETHING!!
Baxtersmommy- I only wish Sam would listen to me, he'd be a lot happier and in a lot less trouble if he did!! Boys! :)
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