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Completely Boxer Crazy
Hello everyone! I'm new to this board. I live in New Hamsphire and have a 3 month old flashy female.

I have personally never owned a dog before, so training her is a challenge.


BW owner
Staff member
Welcome Melinda. You did a very good choice by choosing a boxer! Female boxers should be easier to train. What's her name?



Completely Boxer Crazy
Her name is Megan. The short version behind that long story is that I always said my first girl would be named Megan.

My husband owned a boxer before. She was about a year old when we met. SO I have had some experience with boxers but not really through the puppy stage. And back in those days they wasn't crate training etc. Plus my father-in-law stayed home with her every day, so she got lots of attention. (Not that mine doesn't.--SPoiled she is).
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