Hello fellow boxer fans!

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Boxer Pal
What a great idea to have a boxer BB!!!! I just adopted a male flashy fawn boxer who is as close to perfect as a rescue pet can get! We are working parents with children ages 5 and 2. We love dogs, boxers being the best! This is our second boxer. Our first, Sammy, died unexpectedly after minor surgery on his gums at 5. I am amazed at how different our new friend, Mosley, is from our Sammy. Sammy loved the water, loved to fetch and chew, and was HIGHLY energetic and dominant. Mosley doesn't like to get his feet wet, won't fetch or chew, and is mellow and submissive. Like our Sammy before, Mosley has a boxer smile, a sweet disposition, and the I'm-so-glad-you-are-home-now! "wiggle dance" that is so endearing! He's well socialized and somewhat obedience trained, so walks are great with him. Mosley only has a couple bad habits, the worst being food stealing. He just helped himself a couple times already when the kids left food on the table after eating and we had left the kitchen. Our Sammy rarely got table scraps. We could leave a room when food was out and he wouldn't sneak any. Now with kids, food finds it's way to the floor often. Any sensible ideas on how to curb food stealing in a home with young children? He seems to respond well to strong deep-voiced corrections. What else could we do to help?Thank you! Sue


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
Hi Sue, welcome to the board. You will find this is a wonderful place to get answers to your boxer questions.

Fortunately, I have never had a problems with my boxer stealing food. One suggestion I have heard of though, is to set your boxer up. You put something that he just can't resist on the table or counter and booby-trap it. Attach some string and on the other end attach something that will make a lot of noise when it hits the floor, like a shake can. You can make one out of a pop can, that you have put some coins in and put tape over the hole. You could also try lacing the food with tobasco sauce or hot pepper flakes or something like that. You will need to make sure he has a number of negative experiences in a row. Be very diligent that Mosley is not sucessful in between times.

I'm sure you will get some ideas from other people as well. You might want to post this on the Boxer Ring as I think more people go there.

Good luck,

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Boxer Pal
Jan, Nice to hear from you and thanks for the great ideas! Scolding just isn't working. Last night he inhaled my daughter's momentarily unattended pasta. :eek: He was neglected and abandoned. I wonder if he just learned to steal food to survive? Good thing is that he likes his IAMS and only steals unattended food. I'm going to diligently employ your suggestions this week, and if I find they aren't working for Mosely, will consult the Boxer Ring, as you suggest. I think you are right on track... negative experiences with food I don't want him to eat, while at the same time ensuring he has plenty of food I do want him to eat. Thanks again for your reply! :D
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