Hello everyone!

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Boxer Pal
Hi! My name is Shirley and I have a 3 yr. old fawn male boxer with cropped ears. His name is Chase. He weighs over 90 lbs. and thnks he is a lap dog that ways only about 10 lbs. Needless to say he has knocked the wind out of me a couple of times jumping in my lap. Even as big as he is, he is very gentle with our 2 yr. old son, who Chase watches over constantly. I do have a question, though. Chase loves to be outside and the flies love him too. I have tried everything to keep the flies away. The just pile on him in bunches. I have even talked to the vet. about it. Does anyone have any thoughts? Any suggestions will be welcomed.


Boxer Insane
Welcome to the board! :D
This is such a great boxer resource.

Where are you from?

Our male boxer is 85 lbs., so I can relate to having a big boy. Everyone comments on how big he is for a boxer.

A couple summers ago, we had a problem with flies around Remy. We tried fly spray that is used for horses. The flies would land and wouldn't leave, even when brushed away. Our vet finally said if flies are constantly around a dog like that, usually they are attracted because of an infection.
Sure enough, Remy had a small infection on the edge of his ear.
After that was treated with antibiotics and cream and cleared up, the flies were not a problem.

Good luck!

Remy -DOB 6/2/92; white male w/brindle patches;
Bailey - DOB 10/16/99; flashy brindle female
Shannon - 1992?-12/7/99 Flashy fawn; We miss her!


Welcome to the board! Did Chase develop any hives from the flies? last time Ruby was at the breeder she got bombarded in a matter of minutes with flies and broke out in hives. The breeder said the hives are common in puppies but the adults can usually fend them off. It was odd because Ruby is 2 years old. Anyway, no major problems with flies other than that.


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998


Boxer Pal
Thanks for your advice. Chase is due to go to the vet. for yearly shots and I'll ask him about that. I never really thought about an infection, but it does make sense.

Chase - fawn male, black mask, cropped 6/1997


Boxer Pal
Chase does get hives sometimes from the flies, because he won't try to shake them off. When they land on him he just lays around crying for me to get them off of him. He is such a big baby. Everyone is scared to death of him, but if they only knew how much of a baby he is.

Chase - fawn male, black mask, cropped 6/1997
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