Hello Everyone!

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Hi! I'm pretty new to this site. I have a 5 year old boxer named ShyAnne. We got her from a woman who rescued her from a really neglected environment. We think she was used as a puppy machine. She is very quiet and lovey. She thinks she's a lap dog too. We hope to learn a lot from this site.


Boxer Insane
Hi, welcome to the board. How long have you had ShyAnne? Once she gets used to you she will probably liven up a bit. They all think they are lap dogs, even when they are 70lb. and over!

Sergeant. 6 in October. Light brindle, natural ears. Full of fun.
We have had Shy Anne since November of 1999. She is a great dog! She really livens up outside first thing in the morning and when my husband plays with her. She gets a little crazy though. She's bit through his shirt trying to knock him down. Are all boxers like that? He's not rough with her, he just runs and she chases and jumps on him. It's like a screw comes loose in her brain. Any thoughts on that?


Boxer Insane
Every Boxer we have lived with has had that screw loose :D They all love the game of running and jumping. We do not mind at all and can manage it, but it could be a problem to some people I think. If she and your husband both enjoy this game and she does not get too over the top it should be fine :)


Welcome to the board! Ruby plays rougher with me than with my husband; I think she knows she can dominate me. I get bruises all the time! You'll really enjoy the board.


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998
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