He almost blew up the house!!!!

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Boxer Pal
I gave it a shot the other night and it was almost a deadly mistake!!

I was going out for an hour (which turned into about two) and figured that Cassius (now five months old) has been so good lately that I would give him a chance and leave him out of the crate free to roam.

When I returned home, I opened the door and was almost knocked out by an overwhelming smell of gas. While I was out, Cassius had turned the knob on my stove to hi and the gas was on for quite a while. I keep his treats in the cabinet above the stove so I guess that he was trying to get to them.

It sure did scare the heck out of me!!! I had to get the dogs out of the house for a little over an hour before the gas had left the house.

Anyway, I don't think I'll be trying that again for a while!! I'm just glad that I got home in time before anything really bad happened.

On a positive note, nothing was chewed up or destroyed so it wasn't that bad but I cringe when I think of what might have happened.


Boxer Insane
OMG!! so glad everything is okay! Even with my Adam getting older, i have to keep telling myself to "treat him like a 2 year old child" and everything gets along just fine. For example, if I leave a power cord in the way, Adam will trip over it, or try to eat it - - just like a child. Practice child (boxer) safety!


Boxer Booster
Whew..glad nothing did happen...gosh, a spark or anything could have tipped that one off..man you are lucky.
On a helpful note, I too hated crating him, and have given him a chance for the past two weeks out of the crate, and he has been so good. So good that I cant believe its Frankie..lol. I have made the third bedroom into the doggie room. There is a loveseat in there, a small tv and tv cart, the other dogs crate (have been trying to trust him for four years with no luck), and the blinds pulled all the way up, with cute little valances. He has been WONDERFUL!! No poo, no pee..just a good little boy. I am going to eventually get it dog paw theme, curtains, and take the christmas cards i get this year from BW and put them all over the one wall for them. I think it will be a fun project. Anyway...an idea...:D


Boxer Booster
Oh My Goodness!!! Thank goodness that you all were safe and sound! These guys are just too smart for their own good!

I remember when my skin kids were younger and I was baby-proofing the house, I saw these knob covers that went over the knobs for the stoves. They were used so that the babies (skin and fur alike) couldn't play with the knobs.

Maybe at Walmart or something?

:LOL: gotta treat them like they were toddlers!
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