Getting a puppy!

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Jen M

Boxer Pal
Hello everyone! I've stumbled across this message board during my search for boxer info, and have been greatly impressed with what I've read. I, at the moment, don't have a boxer of my own (my roommate has a five year old male brindle named Winston who I've known since the day she brought him home and I love him dearly) but I am looking for a puppy. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should ask the breeder when getting a puppy? I don't plan on getting one till the beginning of November, but I am in the process of finding and talking to breeders now and don't want to forget or miss anything. Thanks for any advice!


I wish I could help you, but I'm really not the BEST person to answer this. I didn't get my Boxer from a breeder :( and the next one we get will be a rescue - but you should post your same question on the Boxer Ring Forum - you will get more answers there, as that's where most people read/post.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. It is an important question though!

Debo - 01/23/2000
Brindle, male, soft floppy ears
MamaCat - Linx Point Siamese
Peephole - My "junk" cat who eats with his paws
WANTED: Bi-Color Maine Coon Cat!


Boxer Pal
Hi Jen
I recently posted the same question. I think its in the non boxer related forum. It is titled Breeders I need you advice (or something like that) They gave me great advice and some good web sites to look at. Check it out!


Buddy--Born May 4 1993
Male Fawn
Cropped Ears
Our best friend and companion
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