from the UK

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Boxer Insane
Am I the only person from the UK using this board?

I've only recently discovered it but I think it's great, I could sit at my computer all day reading and writing messages - but my boys will be nagging me for their walk (Billy red/white male boxer, and Tommy, a rottweiler).

Billy, 3.5 yrs red/white dog, black face, docked tail
Tommy, 6 mth Rottweiler dog


I dont think you are the only one from the UK. But Im curious where you are located at? I was lucky enough to spend time in Donagadee Ireland when i graduated from high school. I also spent a little time in London.Some day some how I want to go back , I just feel in love with the country side in Northern Ireland and I feel now at a older age I would really like to go back. At 18 when i went I got horribly home sick. I still think about that great "cider" that I was able to drink while visiting and only wish I could find some here in the states. cindy

cindy corl
Lacie f-flashy brindle with natural ears 6-17-99
Always found UK fascinating. I have been to England twice (Oxford, Bath, Blackpool, Lake District) , been to Wales (Llandudno) and this year we are going to Scotland. Because of time crunch we will just be visiting Edinburgh. After that we are off to Holland to spend time with my in-laws. Dying to see the castles in and around Edinburgh. Can you suggest soemthing interesting around Edinburgh which is not mentioned by Lonely Planet and which is not frequented by the usual tourists!!!

Poppy--(Judy Old Flame Of Jojupama):Fawn, Female, FloppyEars, DockedTail....Rainbow Bridge

[This message has been edited by catcompany (edited 07-23-2000).]


Boxer Insane
We're from Bedford which is 50 miles north of London. I haven't ever been to Northern Ireland, but I hear the countryside is beautiful. My husband, Mark, is from Ayrshire in Scotland, but that is west coast, and Edinburgh is East coast. We visit his parents in Ayrshire a couple of times a year. They have a female brindle boxer called Shanna who is 9.5 yrs old. Before that they had a brindle/white male called Benji (he belonged to my husband when he was a teenager) unfortunatley he didn't live too long - he was only 7 when he died.

Billy, 3.5 yrs red/white dog, black face, docked tail
Tommy, 6 mth Rottweiler dog
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