Electric Fences

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Proud momma

Boxer Buddy
Does anybody know how well these work?

I have made some inquiries and they sound great, but I have also been told that they don't work so well with boxers, the shock doesn't seem to bother them and they will go right through it. I'm also wondering if it will harm the dog..I know I wouldn't be very happy getting a shock in my neck??

We have 2 acres of land and can't afford to put up any other type of fence right now. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
My concern with invisible fences is that they don't stop anything from coming in, ie people, other dogs or wildlife. Most boxers with their high pain tolerance will soon figure out that all they get is a quick zap and then they are free. Unfortunately the next problem is how do they get back in. Their desire to get back in would not be nearly as great as their original desire to leave. They would probably not be willing to get zapped to return and then would be stuck off of your property.

I know someone on the board does use it successfully so it might be worth a try.

Good luck,


Boxer Booster
We couldn't afford a regular fence, either. My boxers have used The Invisible Fence for two years with no problems. Both dogs were young when trained on the fence and they know their boundaries and stay away from the line. We are comfortable enought with it to leave them outside while we are at work. My only word of advice is to make sure the batteries don't wear out. Helmut knocked his tennis ball out of the line one day and kept inching closer and closer to it before he realized he was past his boundary. Luckily, our neighbors corralled him pretty quickly and held on to him until we got home. He had his collar on, but the battery was dead, so it did not get his usual warning. We did some research and chose Invisible Fence company over the competitors because their collars are the most adjustable - there are 30 possible settings. Our dogs are set on 4 out of 30 (30 being the highest shock). Other collars just have low, medium and high settings which could overshock or undershock a dog. If you overshock a dog, he is scared to go outside. If you undershock a dog, he will escape. The Invisible Fence people evaluated the dog to determine what setting it should be on, and showed us how to properly train our dog on the system. I think the younger you do it the more success you will have with it, but there is a minimum age I think for Invisible Fence. Good luck!

Brindle Jax Dad

Boxer Buddy
WE had an invisible fence with our Zoey...and it only worked when she wanted it to work. If she wanted to go...she would go. don't remember what brand it was but I do remember having to ship the collar back to the manufacturer for a stronger voltage.

There is NO WAY I would have been able to leave her in the yard while we were at work. Of course, after she got older we didn't use it at all and she was much less inclined to run unless she saw a rabbit or sometimes the neighbors cat.

I'm gonna have to decide what to do with Jax when Spring gets here.


Super Boxer
We used a stinger wire for our boxers and it worked well. They didn't get out and they don't get hurt. Our boxer Buster got so he could tell if the wire was on. He would sniff at it. I'm note sure if he touched it with his chin hair or if he could hear it.

It's not inhumane. It only took our dogs about one sting to keep them away from it...


Boxer Booster
I agree with EMWAZ, it is not inhumane...as a matter of fact, Invisible Fence has the SPCA seal of approval.

But I think Invisible Fence is the only brand with their approval.
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