Proud momma
Boxer Buddy
Does anybody know how well these work?
I have made some inquiries and they sound great, but I have also been told that they don't work so well with boxers, the shock doesn't seem to bother them and they will go right through it. I'm also wondering if it will harm the dog..I know I wouldn't be very happy getting a shock in my neck??
We have 2 acres of land and can't afford to put up any other type of fence right now. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
I have made some inquiries and they sound great, but I have also been told that they don't work so well with boxers, the shock doesn't seem to bother them and they will go right through it. I'm also wondering if it will harm the dog..I know I wouldn't be very happy getting a shock in my neck??
We have 2 acres of land and can't afford to put up any other type of fence right now. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.