Does anyone see red

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Madison's Mom

Completely Boxer Crazy
My daughter is going to pay for being "mean" to Carson(White) some day and I'm going to sit back and LMAO.

Chelsea was eating a red lollipop yesterday and decided to lick Carson on the head and sides just to prove her tongue was really red.:) I think my 15 year old daughter needs more to do! :)

Poor Carson is now walking around looking like someone put war paint on him. Oh well, it goes with the orange spagetti stain in between his eyes (you know, that stuff will not come off). Chelsea thought it would be cute to give him a big ole kiss between the eyes while she was eating her spagetti dinner.

Kids, dogs what is a mother to do?


Boxer Booster
LMAO!!!!! As I was reading your post, I was thinking..."Awww....What a cute little kid. She's probably about 4 yrs old or so."
Then, I got further into the post and saw you wrote "15 Year old Daughter"!
too funny!

Scrapper's Mom

Boxer Insane
Putermom said:
LMAO!!!!! As I was reading your post, I was thinking..."Awww....What a cute little kid. She's probably about 4 yrs old or so."
Then, I got further into the post and saw you wrote "15 Year old Daughter"!
too funny!

My thoughts exactly!

Madison's Mom

Completely Boxer Crazy
Yes I said 15 years you know why I'm afraid of her driving too:)

Lord have mercy but she is the strangest child I have run across yet one of the sweetest kids I know. Animal lover to the extreme.

She still dresses the dogs up in her swim suits and put sunglasses on them. However, she's the first one the pups will cuddle with.

All I know, is everything we eat for awhile will be white otherwise, I'm not going to have a white boxer but a multi-colored fur boxer:)
That is funny :) At our vets there is a secretary there that when the dogs come in (and cats too) she puts on bright red lipstick and kisses each animal on the forehead. When Shakira was at the vets, for a followup, after being spayed, she had one of those collars around her neck that looks like a satelite dish, and Kate had kissed all the puppies in the waiting room. All the dogs were sitting there with a red lip mark on their foreheads, she looked at Shakira and said "Honey, Aunt Kate can't kiss you because I can't get my head in that collar" but Shakira was whining, she wanted a kiss, so Kate put more lipstick on and gave her a big ole kiss on the forehead and then Shakira just sat there like she was one special puppy...I love our vets


Boxer Insane
your not the only one.... my 13 year old daughter has to SHARE her lollipops with the pups!! EWWW!!! (yup, she licks the pop after the dogs do).


Boxer Buddy
Thats hilarious! My aunt is like that too...she shares her ice cream with my dog after he has already drooled all over the cone! yuck! lol
Yep... my wife and 14 year old daughter share their ice cream cones with our dogs.

Now, I would never do anything that disgusting, however, my daisy girls has enjoyed a swig of my beer from time to time lol.

randy and Daisy
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