Madison's Mom
Completely Boxer Crazy
My daughter is going to pay for being "mean" to Carson(White) some day and I'm going to sit back and LMAO.
Chelsea was eating a red
lipop yesterday and decided to lick Carson on the head and sides just to prove her tongue was really red.
I think my 15 year old daughter needs more to do! 
Poor Carson is now walking around looking like someone put war paint on him. Oh well, it goes with the orange spagetti stain in between his eyes (you know, that stuff will not come off). Chelsea thought it would be cute to give him a big ole kiss between the eyes while she was eating her spagetti dinner.
Kids, dogs what is a mother to do?
Chelsea was eating a red

Poor Carson is now walking around looking like someone put war paint on him. Oh well, it goes with the orange spagetti stain in between his eyes (you know, that stuff will not come off). Chelsea thought it would be cute to give him a big ole kiss between the eyes while she was eating her spagetti dinner.
Kids, dogs what is a mother to do?