Does Anybody Have a Picture of A Bull Mastiff, Or a Boxer That Looks Like One????

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Boxer Booster
Hello to All,

I was just talking in another post how everybody mistakes my Rusty for a Bull Mastiff. I entered his picture in at a local news station, and Rusty won!!!! I was so proud of him!!! Anyway, on the news, the newscasters thought that he was a Bull Mastiff. I have Rusty's picture displayed on my desk at work, and every customer that comes in thinks that he is a Bull Mastiff. Rusty is a big boxer, with a large block head, uncropped ears, and square body. He can weigh anywhere from 90 to 100 lbs. I have seen a Bull Mastiff's head on a T-shirt, and, my gosh, it looked just like Rusty's face!!! Now, after 9 years, I am wondering if I have just a very big boxer or a Bull Mastiff. Look at my gallery, he is the all red boxer with a splotch of white on his chest. If anybody has a Bull Mastiff, with pictures, please let me know!!!!!


Super Boxer
He looks like a boxer to me. My boy Zeus pretty big as well. He can weigh between 85lbs to 95lbs. He has a large head and huge chest. You can see pictures of him in my gallery. Please always come up and ask us if Zeus is a bull mastiff or american bull dog. But he is 100% boxer.

Jeff's momma

Boxer Pal
i don't think he looks like a mastiff. if it makes you feel any better i have a 105 lb. fawn/black muzzle boxer boy that really looks like a mastiff. everyone always thinks he's the same kind of dog as hooch. he looks a lot and acts a lot like hooch too!! i can send you some pictures if you like.

shannon, lucas-black boxer, yoda-brindle boston terrier/french bulldog mix, fred- brindle/white boxer, jefferey-fawn boxer and in heaven bridgette-brindle boxer


Boxer Insane
I have to say the same....All boxer to me too!! He is such a cutie!! Love his little 'love handles!"


Boxer Booster
Wow, those Bull Mastiffs are big!!! I can see why people think Rusty is a Bull Mastiff in the one picture, they are going by his head and coloring, and have not seen him in person!!!! I like that picture of Zeus in the hat!!! Rusty hates when I dress him up!!!! Jeff's mom, you need to post some pictures of your baby on Boxerworld!!!! Some of you other guys should, too!!! I love to look at everybody's pictures, it is amazing to see so many boxer colors, shapes and sizes. As for Rusty's "love handles" he is a fatty, at 9 years old I am trying to make him stay on a diet. He is on thyroid medicine now, and that has made him more active. Thanks for all of your replies!!!! Rusty and Willie(the cat) have been friends for a long time. I am going to scan a picture of a much younger Rusty with my late cat Buster on the waterbed. They were inseparable, until some moron sped and run down Buster on the road, not even stopping. I still to this day would like to get back at that person for what they did. I also have 2 younger kittens, Baby and Betty, who were basically raised by my boxers. My house is always tons of excitement!!!!

Holden's Mom

Boxer Insane
Rusty is one cool looking dude. Definitely a big boxer, not a bull mastiff. Our Pete is often mistaken as an American Bulldog and I can understand. Petey is very broad chested as well as deep chested. But he is only 64 pounds, so no way is he an AB.

Loved all the pics in your gallery, including Willie the cat.

Pam and Pete


Boxer Booster
Personally, I think the bull mastiff does look similar to a boxer...yes, the mastiff is obviously A LOT bigger than a boxer, but they still look a lot alike...and for people who aren't as familiar with the boxer I can see how they would think that your big boxer (he's gorgeous, BTW ;) ) is a bull mastiff...

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