Dawn M Perkins
Boxer Pal
I have two females, mother & daughter. Cheyenne is the mother & she's 3-1/2 and Gypsy is her daughter who just turned 2 yrs old in November. I've never had any problems with them getting along until Christmas day. Now every now in then they really get into these nasty fights. Just last week when a friend was over with his male boxer pup, they got into it and they both ended up bleeding a little bit. It seems that Cheyenne doesn't want to play with the other visitor but doesn't want Gypsy to play with him/her either. Even when another dog (1 imparticular) walks by our yard it seems they try to get each other out of the way so they can try to get to the dog and have ended up in a fight once or twice this way too. I'm really worried about them because I couldn't bare to get rid of either of them. I didn't choose to have two females, as it turns out the mother went with my ex when he moved out so I kept the female puppy, then he decided he didn't want the mother anymore and was going to give her away but, thank God, he offered her to me first and that's how I ended up with two females. I couldn't part with either of them, they are everything in the world to me and I have become as attached, if not more so, to Cheyenne as I am to Gypsy. Any advice or known reasons?