Determining Baby Gender??

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Amy Lyn

Super Boxer
I was told today by a co-worker that if you place your wedding band on a string and drop it above your belly - the way that it dangles will tell you what sex your baby will be. If it goes in a circle motion, it will be a girl. If it goes back and forth, it will be a boy. My co-worker had done this for both of her kids and it was accurate for everyone else that she had known to try it.

I tried this four times and twice indicated a girl and twice indicated a boy.

So, my question to you all is - have you heard or tried any myths to determine the gender of your baby(ies) before ultrasound or birth?

I'm curious to see what other methods there are floating around out there.

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Amy Lyn
Wagner (Fawn, black mask) b: 04/25/00
Clark (Fawn, black mask) b: 03-11-99 (Rainbow Bridge 05-06-00)
Lets see, my Grandma told me both of my babies would be boys because I was carrying them high, both of my doctors (I had different doctors for each pregnancy) told me I would be having boys because of the heart rate. Well....... I have both girls. We could not tell what sex by ultra sound, because they were both sitting wrong.


Super Boxer
My mother taught me this one, and now I try it to and have never been wrong. If you are carrying like you have a basketball under your shirt it is sure to be a boy, if your tummy looks like you have a tire around your waist it is a girl. Who knows it is all in the man upstairs hands what you are to have. I did carry my daughter and son in each of those ways listed above.


Boxer Insane
Yeah, yeah, I also heard about this trick with a band going in circles and back and forth motions... The only difference - it was a thread wih a needle held above your palm (can't remember, though, should it be a right hand or a left one? That's the point! If there's a mestake you can always say it was the wrong palm :D) Say, do you believe this? No, I mean, do you REALLY believe? ;)
You know what? Even when they do ultrasound in a hospital, they make mistakes, and that's not that rare (hee, hee).
Best of luck :)

Tina - fawn, natural ears, born September 1996; sweetie and cutie


My aunt used to do this with us using a pencil and a string. It doesn't matter what you use as long as it is a natural material from the earth. String, wood, metal, your necklace, etc.
My aunt was always right!
I did this with my daughter several times recently and it always indicated a girl, which the sono just 'confirmed'.
Let's go a step further.
First, get your pencil on a string or whatever.
Hold it over your wrist (pulse side) and say "Show me Girl". Stop the pencil and then say "Show me Boy". Then hold it there again and ask if you have a boy or a girl and see which way it goes.
Ok I know this sounds weird, but it works. With some practice you can ask your body all sorts of questions. Not like a Ouija board or what's going to happen next week.
Let me know what results you get.
Hey AmyLyn..I have heard about this too...but I don't know whether it is a fact or just fiction!!! Whoever back home in India has read my palm has told me that I will have just one son.....Now I am a sceptic, I don't blindly beleive in all these things....and in school we did play with this ring thing ...and it showed that I will have a son!!!!! But it really doesn't matter as long as the child is healthy and can be a boy or a girl!!!! I was hoping for twins (Robyn :) :))..but my ultra sound showed that it is just one single baby.....anyway in June I will get to know if it is a boy or girl (unless I get too curious before that and want to know).

Draco:FawnMale, NaturalEars and NaturalTail(long wiggly tail!!),Neutered..Adoptedon August 26th, 2000 from the Lone Star Boxer Rescue
Poppy:(Judy Old Flame Of Jojupama):FawnFemale, FloppyEars, DockedTail....Rainbow Bridge
Fox Terriers-Jonaki,Bachchu,Jhansi,Julie,Jojo&Doggie:RainbowBridge

Amy Lyn

Super Boxer
I tried the string thing with a piece of wood just as Margaret described. I did it three times and all three times it indicated a girl. We have asked everyone before hand what they thought the sex of the baby would be and most everybody thought it would be a girl.

I'll have to update everyone after my ultrasound (if it shows) in a few months.

Thanks for your responses. I love hearing all the different things.

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Amy Lyn
Wagner (Fawn, black mask) b: 04/25/00
Clark (Fawn, black mask) b: 03-11-99 (Rainbow Bridge 05-06-00)


Boxer Insane
I don't think so!
Just the law of probability would show that "sometimes" these methods would be correct.

I've also heard something (can't remember it exactly), about putting AJAX or COMET in the toilet and peeing on it. If it turns a certain color, it's a boy... Again, probably just a bunch of garbage. :p

And the thing about the belly shape and where you carry the baby -- I carried both my children differently (thought they were both boys), and delivered two very healthy GIRLS.

I've also heard of people who were told the baby's sex by the doctor per the ultrasound, and it turned out to be wrong. Oops! :o

Just take care of yourself and hope for a healthy baby!! :) Best wishes!


Completely Boxer Crazy
My aunt does it with a piece of string and a sewing needle. Same concept as the wedding ring and she has always been right.

There is something about she can tell how many children you will have that way too. If the needle stops moving and than starts again that signifies a child. So if it goes in a circle for girl stops for 3 seconds go straight for boy stops for 3 seconds and goes in a circle again and than stops totally. That person is having three kids in their life time. Two girls and a boy.

Mom of Megan-flashy, female, fawn boxer. Natural ears and docked tail. Born 5/23/00.
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