delivering of boxer pups

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Boxer Pal
My dog delivered 2 pups in 1/2 an hr. It's more than 2 hrs later and no more pups. Could she be having only 2 pups? Or is there a problem????????/


Boxer Insane
Please get in contact with your vet straight away - she may only have two babies but there could be a problem - or she may just be taking her time. Only your vet will be able to answer this. Hope all goes well.

Bella (Red&White 03.07.94) Layla (Brindle&White - 03.12.94) Ruben & Amy (Red&White littermates 15.09.98) Bo, Tess and Rebel in our hearts.


This is a question for your vet or an emergency veterinary hospital. Has your bitch been followed during her pregnancy?

Please, call now, not later. It is possible there were only 2 puppies, it is also possible, other puppies are stuck. You could lose your dog.

Liz Phillips

Boxer Pal
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cmbeshures:
My dog delivered 2 pups in 1/2 an hr. It's more than 2 hrs later and no more pups. Could she be having only 2 pups? Or is there a problem????????/<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Though 2 puppy litters are not unusual, if she isn't showing any distress; not panting, and you delivered 2 placentas (and no more) along with the puppies; she could very well only have 2.
I agree with Sharon tho...get her into the vet ASAP to see if there are any babies stuck or breech. The vet will give her a cleanout shot to ensure things are alright.
If she isn't panting or pushing; you may be finished. If she IS panting, is lethargic; and/or shows no interest in the puppies, call your vet and get her in there now!!

JayRbar Boxers
Lawrence, KS


Boxer Buddy
Hope all is going well, my thoughts and prayers for you and momma and pups! Keep us posted.

Maggie-Rescue,natural ears. DOB approx June'99
Hoss-Rescue,natural ears.DOB approx Jan'99

Copper Hill Boxers

I've been thinking of your girl since I saw your post yesterday. I do hope all is well, and that you will let us know she and the babies are okay.

Cindy B/Copper Hill Boxers
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