Congestive Heart Failure

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Boxer Pal
I've just found out today that my 2 year old boxer bitch is going into heart failure. I'm absolutely gutted and will be going to see a heart specialist with her next week. Does anyone know anything about treatment and likely prognosis for a boxer with this condition? Two years old seems awfully young for a dog to develop heart failure...?


Boxer Booster
Unfortunately, I don't know much about congenetive heart disease, but I did want to say that I am so sorry to hear about your baby's illness. Boxers are prone to this disease, which is one of the reasons it is so important to have boxers tested for these types of genetic diseases before breeding them. Sadly, you are suffering because that wasn't done. Good luck. I hope you are able to find an effective treatment.

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
I'm so sorry to hear it!!!!!!!!
A friend of mine lost a dog even younger than yours. He wasn't even a year old yet, and seemed fine until about 9 months old when he started going downhill very rapidly. I wish so much that I could say something to cheer you up, but in my friend's case, there was nothing that could be done short of a heart transplant. My friend's dad is a renowned vet with lots of connections, but it didn't matter. :( :( :(

I hate to be so grim but I wrote this so you can prepare yourself for your visit to the cardiac specialist.

In humans, it can be a highly treatable condition. Perhaps in boxers it can be managed as well, if it's not severe. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and hope that your case is a mild, treatable one....
Take care.


Boxer Insane
My sheltie had congestive heart failure (a grade 5/6 heart murmur) and lived with it for many years. In truth your prognosis depends upon the grade of the murmur and the cause of it. There are cases of congestive heart failure that can be managed with medication that has become less and less expensive. Garrett took vasotec (enacard) and at times Lasix for the fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure. If your boxer's condition is manageable with an ace inhibitor and enacard is recommended, you can check around with your local pharmacies for the cheapest prescription for the human form called vasotec which now FINALLY has a generic called Enalapril and is much less costly than the enacard through the veterinarian and is the same medication. Did your vet do an x-ray and run a blood panel? What grade was your girl's heart murmur? We send lots of good vibes your and your family will be in our prayers!

[Edited by Aimee on 01-13-2001 at 10:13 PM]

Julie Davis

Boxer Insane
I'm sorry that your poor baby is going through this. I don't have any advice, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and your boxer.


Boxer Pal
Thanks to everybody for your kind thoughts and best wishes. We have now seen a specialist and have been given various drugs for our Saskia. All the tests have been done and it appears that the dreaded cardiomyopathy has reared its ugly head, even though her parents were both tested prior to breeding.

All we can do now is give her the best life we can. Her life has been short yet charmed!

Thanks again for all your support.

Craig and Miranda McLeod
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