chuckle ball

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Boxer Buddy
I found a new type of "giggle" ball. Tonite at Superpetz I saw a sign that said "Chuckle Balls 2.99" So I had to look. It makes the same noise as the "Wiggly Giggly Ball" but it is a much harder plastic, I think it would last longer for those babies who have chewed up the WGB :) Definitely worth a try at $2.99 opposed to $10.99! Tango appreciated it since his was chewed up by a visiting dog!

Kody, 2yr old blonde/blue skin kid
Tango, 15 mo flashy brindle boy, cropped, docked and neutered

Kira's Mom

Boxer Pal
I wish I could find one of the $2.99 balls. I bought a WGB yesterday for about $10.00. I gave it to my big 5 year old lab and my 6month boxer. Within 5 minutes my lab had chewed a hole in it. He didn't give Kira much of a chance.

Kira-born 2/4/00, female, plain fawn, cropped, docked, and about to be spayed.
Rocko- big brother to Kira, black lab, adopted at 2 years old, nuetered, born 3/2/95


I bought Harley a Wiggly-Giggly ball about 2 months ago and he still hasn't put a hole in it. I'm really happy about that because, here in Canada, I paid $20 for the ball which would be about $26 in American money plus we pay 15% for Sales and Goods/Services tax. I get alot of Harley's toys from garage sales and then don't mind too much if he chews them up.

Boxer Baby: Harley - born 12/27/98 - adopted 1/14/2000 - docked tail/natural ears/neutered - full of pee & vinegar!


Boxer Buddy
Oh my gosh, Brenda! You must really love your baby to pay that much for toys! I think garage sales are great places I've gotten lots of plush for Tango that way. Tango and my 2 year old skin kid share my skin kids toys too!! Sometimes Tango just can't help himself :D

Kody, 2yr old blonde/blue skin kid
Tango, 15 mo flashy brindle boy, cropped, docked and neutered


Boxer Pal
I'd love to try that giggle ball but I think they would destroy it.I buy a soccer ball everytime I fill up my car for 5 dollars and keep them.Whenever i need to i give her a new one.But once she starts to destoy it or eat the outer layer I take it away.I keep one in the car ,in the yard,house,etc... also basketballs.She loves tennis balls but I read they arent that good for them.I got this toy squeekie shark for kids for a dollar and they love it.but they started to chew it apart too!! trial and error!!
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