Cage Muzzle is it worth it?

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Super Boxer
Hi all! I am in need of some advice. I have not been taking Clarice to any of the places we used to go camping, dog park, hiking, etc because of her behavior. I hesitate to call her agressive because she has never harmed another dog (this is all about dogs and not human agression) but she doesn't seem to know how to "greet" new dogs. She literally charges them and puts her face right in their face. She growls and barks but never bites. If it is a large male she usually changes her mind and leaves. If it is a female her size she is more of a bully. She usually ends up scaring the other dog to the point they want to bite her...she has never bitten back. It is obviously her causing the problem. This all started at about 2 years old, she is 3.5 now. She was socialized and trained through 2 years old. I took her EVERY where and we went to the best dog training facility here until she was over 2 years old. We used to go to the dog park 3-4 times a week and had no problems.

The way she acts makes me nervous which in turn makes her more nervous. I was considering a cage muzzle to take her hiking. The place we used to hike normally doesn't have any people or other dogs but about one out of every five times we will run into someone with other dogs. NO ONE puts their dogs on leashes is a wooded area. I am wondering if a cage muzzle would be okay or do you think this would aggrevate her more??? I just feel so bad that she isn't getting any off leash exercise like she used to. Not to mention I have two other dogs who want to go too!

I have contacted a behavioralist because I had a trainer come to the house and it didn't do any good.

It is hard to explain how she acts, but I am sure some boxer people out there understand.

Help?! Is a cage muzzle okay? I know she LOVES this hike and I would love to take her back with all her dog friends.


Your Friendly Moderator
Instead of a muzzle (the lazy way out), why not train the dog in proper social skills and how to approach another dog. Better yet, train her not to approach other dogs at all but to let other dogs approach her.

Show her how to sit/stay when another dog approaches. Show her how to approach another dog calmly and from the side (not face-on). This will take time and effort but you have resources like dog parks and such, so you have other dogs with which you can "practice."

My Susie used to be that way. But after about a year of work, she now sits/stays when any other dog approaches and then if she is released (ok), she approaches from the side, sniffs an ear, then the butt and then hits that play bow position, all a wiggle and ready to play.

I can't believe your trainer did not advise you on how to do this. Some trainer.

Good luck.


Super Boxer
I know the muzzle is the lazy way out... I didn't want to do it forever. I actually am meeting with a behavioral consultant next monday. I hope she can help. Your advice is great. All the problems seem to happen when she approaches the other dogs. I talked to the consultant on the phone and she seems to know her stuff. The boxer rescue recommended her.
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