Buddy and the turtle!

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Boxer Buddy
Yesterday afternoon I went outside to check on Clover and Buddy. When I got out there they came out from under the back porch. I think they like laying under there because it is shady and the ground is cool. Well I looked and Buddy had something in his mouth about the size of my fist. I hollered for him to drop it, but he started running off. When I caught up to him and he dropped it I saw that it was a turtle! Poor thing was traumatized I am sure. There is no telling how long Clover and Buddy held him captive! :LOL: We have a pond about the size of an inground swimming pool in our backyard (outside of the fenced in area) so my husband released him there. He was in that pond faster then I could say "Run little turtle!" He wanted nothing to do with those 2 crazy boxers! :D


Boxer Insane
Oh my gosh! That is a funny story! BUT that poor little turtle! At least he was ok.
Jazz will bark at the frogs in the backyard! I move the frogs so she doen't get them. I would just freak out if I saw one of those in her mouth! YIKES :D
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