Boxer 04! Please Vote!

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Super Boxer
We are going to have to vote our fingers off. Everything else on the back burner this week. They are not showing us who is ahead so we need to vote like we know that one of the others is a head. Come on guys, we can do it!


Super Boxer
On the map click on the little American Flag. Then when the screen changes look on your right. There are several boxes. I believe it is the second one down says vote for top dog. Click on that link. Follow your way through. If you still have problems let us know.
It would be so much fun to build a boxer! We actually took Kris's neice to build-a-bear when she was visiting last week.... For anyone who is thinking of going, it sure is a fun time! (pricey, but a lot of fun!!). When I told Kris that it was possible we could be building a boxer, he was pretty excited. Vote!!!


Boxer Booster click the link it should take you direct.. if not, click on flag and its on the right hand side "vote for top dog" then you will have to click "vote now" and then it will take you to where you can vote for boxer. are you having problems getting to the site or finding where to vote on the site?

yeah lets vote like crazy!
Yeah Build a bear is expensive but it is so fun.. we took both girls there for special and with the bear, clothes, shoes, purses and even panties.. their's both cost about $50-$60 a peice but the most expensive part is the assessories.. the animal is not too bad of a price. I just want the boxer and a pair of boxers for him to wear!!!


Boxer Booster
I saved the website to my "favorites" on my internet explorer that way I can just click on the link and vote, vote, vote, vote, and vote!!!!!

I want a stuffed boxer! But, of course Riley will probably take it and run around with it like she does with the rest of my stuffed animals!!
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