Been reading posts for awhile

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Super Boxer
I have been reading the posts for awhile, thought I'd finally participate. I have a beautiful 11 month old brindle named Roxanne. Her registered name is Guilty As Charged. Seems to fit her personality :). She is my first boxer but not my last. We have had her since she was 9 weeks old and have loved every minute with her. Everything I have read about boxers is true. I have to giggle when I read some of the posts because I have through same things with my baby. She is one big lap puppy, counter cruising, stubborn, excited, butt wiggling bundle of hugs and kisses.

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
Chalk one up for California!!! How 'bout them niners!! Just like our little butt-wigglers, we love them come Hell or high water.

Welcome to the board!! I love your dog's name, by the way. So fitting for a boxer. ;)

Linda, proud mother of:
Gilroy - 5 y.o. brindle male, natural ears, gentle as a lamb :)
Purdy - 5 y.o. spayed flashy brindle, natural ears and tongue
Michaela, Boss and Tonka, waiting at the bridge
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