Back from mini-vacation and Cooper's mad at me

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Completely Boxer Crazy
Hi all! Again, thanks for your great suggestions on the mini-vacaion. As it turned out, my brother had the same week off and he and his wife and two children were going to Ocean City, MD. They had an extra bedroom and INSISTED (as only an older brother can!
)that we go there. So we spent 3 days and 2 nights with them and of course the twins had a BLAST on the beach and in the pool. They really enjoyed spending time with their cousins. My daughter Callie said at the end of the first night, "Mommy, we did all of my favorite things today, I want tomorrow to be just like today!" OOWWW.

Well, Cooper spent his time at his best buddy, Sidney's house. He also had an awesome time! Our friends let Cooper in bed with them and Sidney! Anyway, I think he is a little mad at us. He gave me tons of wiggles and kidney beans and sloppy kisses when I went to get him but since we've been home this evening he has been more distant. It's not like he does not act happy when we talk to him and hug but he is not initiating contact.
I hope tomorrow is better.


Boxer Insane
I'm sure he's not mad!! Probably just got used to a little different "routine" while you were gone. I'm sure he'll be back to wiggles and kisses before you know it!!


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I'm sure Cooper will forgive you in no time. He is probably just feeling a little put out because you didn't take him. He will soon be back to his usual self.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Boxer Booster
Boy, they certainly are stubborn, sensitive creatures!
His feelings are hurt, but he'll forgive you, and soon you'll be covered in boxer slobber!

I'm glad your vacation was a success!

Suzanna - Mom to Jake, 2 year old fawn male, floppy ears, docked tail


Aww!!! Poor Cooper.
I'm sure he's very happy you're home, maybe a little sad his family left him for a few days!!! Just like a person. LOL.
I'm glad the twins had such a great time.

Striker's Mom
7 month old Christmas baby, born 12/25/99. Brindle with white "socks", chest, blaze. Cute as can be!!!


Completely Boxer Crazy
Thanks for the support guys! I am happy to say, Cooper is back to himself! Hurray!

Cooper, 5-11-99
Red fawn, neutered male, floppy and docked
Mugzy, fawn, neutered male, cropped and docked rainbow bridge Sept. 98
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