Are pork bones safe for dogs??

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Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy

That's what I've always been told anyway. Never, never give dogs pork bones.


[This message has been edited by Lava Linda (edited 12-08-2000).]


Boxer Insane
What sort of pork bone are they, and are they cooked? If I have an uncooked bone that looks quite smooth then I will let Sergeant have it for a little while, but never cooked bones!

Sergeant. 6 in October. Light brindle, natural ears. Full of fun.

Julie Davis

Boxer Insane
Maybe I'm in the wrong, but I give Boomer pork neck bones all the time. I've never had a problem with him, and he loves them.

Boomer, flashy fawn, 2/19/00, natural ears, docked tail, heart of gold
Brandy, yellow/white Beagle 1/00
Baxter, grey tabby, 3/96
Casey, Sue, Pierre, Mitzi, Tinker, Tanya, and Tessa waiting at the bridge, and always in my heart

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
These appear to be cooked/smoked femurs. I'm concerned because I bought a pair of them for my dogs, and they shattered quickly into long, very sharp shards of bone. (Within the first minute, the main shank was shattered shards.) I only bought them because I thought "hambone" was just a cute name and they were beef, but they acted like pork bones.
I'm a little upset that the people at PetCo don't seem to care. I've mentioned it several times, and have been a) reassured they weren't pork, b) told they were pork, but they're ok, and c) told that they don't have any say over what they sell, so there's "not much they can do about it". Finally, yesterday, I was given a customer comment card. Maybe that'll make someone at least investigate the product a little more.

I hope it doesn't take a death from intestinal perforation to get their attention. It's a miserable way for a dog to die. The darn bones are selling like hotcakes because they're cheaper than the beef bones.

Linda, proud mother of:
Gilroy - 5 y.o. brindle male, natural ears, gentle as a lamb :)
Purdy - 5 y.o. spayed flashy brindle, natural ears and tongue
Michaela, Boss and Tonka, waiting at the bridge

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
This is interesting to me, that there hasn't been a flood of responses. All my life, I was told "no pork bones", like it meant instant death.
Do I have the wrong impression? Is it not as big a deal as I thought????


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I don't know about pork bones, but I do know that all bones you give your dog should be raw! It is too easy for cooked bones to break in shards, just like yours did.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old

Boxer Crazy

Boxer Booster
I saw bones like you described when I was looking for doggie stocking stuffers. I didn't buy them because they appeared to be cooked. I know cooked bones aren't good, but I didn't know that pork bones were a problem in particular. I don't think it is good to give our dogs pork of any kind (I heard that from another boxer owner) and that is another reason I didn't buy those bones - though they looked like the dogs would LOVE them.
I think you have every right to be concerned and I wish you luck in drawing attention to this.

Keisha - March 8/98 - female plain brindle with cropped ears
Travis - May 14/00 - male flashy fawn with natural ears.
Sammie - approx 11 yr. F/S Beagle X
Riley - March 8/97 - F/S tri-color, long haired chihuahua
Ed - the cat
Linda, I dont know why, but I thought all pork was bad for dogs. I never give cooked bones and very rarely a bone from the butcher. I use nylabones, lacie really likes hers although she does favor her rope toy over them all except for the "potato nylabone" which I cant seem to find again.

Cindy Corl
Lacie female, brindle, natural ears,7-17-99


Boxer Pal
I have always been told that pork bones were a no no for dogs. As well due to Buddy's allergy to pork, we definatly stay away from anything that is pork related even the pigs ear. I was told about 6 years ago by our vet at the time, that more and more dogs are developing an allergy to pork. Actually I was surprised to find out how many of the dog foods out there contain pork fat. Because of the extensive research we did at the time with food companies, we found out that if the ingredients listed "other by-products" to stay away from them, as they too may contain pork fat. So that's my story on pork for dogs. In all the years I have had dogs, which haven't all been Boxers, I have stayed away from pork bones. For some reason I seem to think I had heard they were not good for canines.


Buddy--Born May 4 1993
Male Fawn
Cropped Ears
Our best friend and companion

Kailee--Female Brindle
Natural Ears
Born Oct. 16, 1998
Adopted by us October 27, 2000
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