Any news about Klee in Florida?

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Boxer Booster
Hi! Does anyone have any updates with the situation with Klee in Florida? This is the boxer that the "rescue" rep and the "owner" went by the lady's house and just took him from her. I was wondering how that ever worked out for them.

Emma - black-masked brindle girl, 04-03-00


The last I heard was that Klee's adoptive mom talked to the president of FL Boxer Rescue. He said that the man WAS Klee's original owner and that he was very happy to have him back. He also said that they were reviewing what happened and were going to take steps to prevent that sort of incident in the future. Klee's adoptive Mom felt better after talking to Jerry and was thankful for all of our support.

That's as best as I can recall...


Mom to:
LADY - White female, natural ears. Rainbow Bridge February 2000

TESS - Flashy Fawn female, born Dec, 1999, natural ears

ZELDA - Semi-flashy Female, natural ears, born May 31, 2000


Boxer Booster
Thanks for the update. Seems like a sad situation all around. Wonder why it took so long for the owner to show up/show interest. And to show up right after Klee had been placed too. I hope the lady isn't totally soured on rescues. I wish her all the best in finding another companion. She seemed to have a genuine concern and caring attitude toward taking a rescue. Not everyone can do it, so it means more for each one that can.

Emma - black-masked brindle girl, 04-03-00
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