Ant colony and Boxers

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In San Diego right now we have a major ant problem; the worst I've seen in years. Since Ruby (and our cat) has full run of the house and yard, does anyone have any suggestions on natural/safe/organic ways to control ants around animals? I need something that the ants can take back to the nest that won't harm Ruby. I have to make sure she eats all her food then take her bowl away because the ants will pounce. It's awful! They are even around my computer desk right now. I have some little ant bait stakes in the front yard that seem to be working in the front yard but I can't put them in the backyard.


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998


Boxer Insane
Tough question. I've heard that lemon juice will kill insects. Don't know how powerful it is, and it sounds like you need something strong!
I also read somewhere to put out a shallow dish of corn syrup. The ants will crawl in and drown in the syrup. However, I would NOT recommend this one. I tried it on my back porch and attracked a rat instead!

I'd probably call a feed store or your local extension office to ask about pesticides that are safe to use around animals.

Good luck!!!


Super Boxer
Someone on this board told me to try Bay Leafs or Basil I can't remember which, I didn't try it. I had a really bad ant problem outside and in. I would be sitting at my computer and have them crawling on me and my desk. This room and the rest of my house is done in ceramic tile, I started cleaning the floors with a spray bottle of part bleach, part water and I havent' seen an ant in the house since. If you have carpent this solution won't work though.
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