Alittle Scared

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Boxer Fan

Boxer Pal
Well my pups are about 4 weeks old as of this weekend and I have started them on a pureed puppy food mixed with water......when they started having loose stools I wasn't too worried because of the transition from milk to food should have caused that???

Tonight all the pups had bowel movements which looked soft but normal I fed got them cleaned up and rested, went to check on them 15 minutes later and noticed a little pool of watery blood and alittle more stool??? Upon inspection couldn't tell which pup it was and all of them seemed to be playing normal.

My friend whom has been my breeding mentor is away for the weekend and I am paranoid, she mentioned that the parvo virus is real popular in our area and that I should be careful. I am bringing the pups in first thing in the morning but I am alittle scared!!!

Any advice?? I havn't had puppies in about 5 years and it all feels new to me again.

Boxer Fan

Boxer Pal
just checked on the pups again.....realized which pup it is comming from because she has another bowel movement, little blood in stool but stool was normal and soft??? she played after her bathroom break and seemed quite normal?? I hate it when I can't get a hold of my friend when I need I being paranoid?? Wow these pups have become my life for the last 4 weeks and of course 63 days before that also while they wern't even born.

I can't wait to see what I will be like when I actually have kids....


Boxer Insane
It's probably coccidia, this is the age when they get it, but definitely make the trip to the vet just to be on the safe side. (You're probably there right now, actually!)

Boxer Fan

Boxer Pal

Talked to the vet this morning and waiting to collect some stool samples to take there......I cleaned up before I thought I might need them. The vet also said she thought it could be coccidia which made me feel much better. I am going to head there rite now for them to run her stool and a couple other of the pups. This morning they are all playing and as silly as ever, so we have ruled out parvo for the time being but it still scares me. Thanks for the support and I will keep you posted.

Boxer Fan

Boxer Pal

Well I brought in the stool samples to the vet, she tested for coccidia and nothing came back positive??? she said it could be another bacteria but said that someone threw out the stool samples before she could test for that one?????? I think it's time I switched vets!!!!! There is 7 doctors in that clinic and about 10 vet assist, which look like highschoolers. Nobody seems to know anything but they all know everything if you know what i mean.

I just moved here and I visited this vet by referal and I have had nothing but problems, sorry for venting but it just seems like ignorance.

Anyways she said the bloody stool could have been caused by the change from mother's milk to puppy food?? and to keep a watchful eye on her. Her stools have been fine since then along with the rest of the litter so I am just going to keep my fingers crossed.

I am just using puppy food pureed with water rite now, should I maybe use yogurt mixed to help the good bacteria in there colon's????


Boxer Insane
Pure probiotics would be better, you can get them at a health food store. Goat's milk is also good for pups.
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