Aggressive Johnny/no help with boxer rescue

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Boxer Pal
Hello to all. I posted last week concerning Johnny and his aggressive behavior toward my nine month old son. I went to a behaviorist and she said you can't make a dog to not be aggressive. We could put him in classes to show him his place, but it probably won't make him non aggressive.

Soooo I contact a local boxer rescue and she tells me they won't take a aggressive boxer. I would have to take him to the pound and she said he would end up being put down.

She also said it may be medical. Cancer, tumor, something wrong. That gets very expensive my vet said. What do I do?

I love Johnny, but I can't trust him. What kind of life is it if he is always locked up? If anyone has any advice please let me know.


Sad Sarah


Boxer Booster
Sarah: I don't know about the aggressive behavior and rescues, but is Johnny this way towards other adults, or just your infant son? Where is Ft. Monroe? I'm in Richmond, VA. Unfortunately, I already have two dogs, so couldn't take another, but was trying to help you think of some solutions.

If Johnny is not aggressive towards other adults, would your parents, in-laws, siblings, or some friends be able to take him? Then you could still see him, he'd still be a part of the family, and he wouldn't have to be put down. If he was a good dog prior to the arrival of your son, I would think he would be fine in an adult home with no other dogs, as long as those adults are willing to enforce the rules with Johnny.

I'm sure you've thought of this, but it was a thought. What about co-workers of yourself or your spouse? That way you would know the people and how they would treat Johnny, just a thought.

My deepest sympathies, what a terrible position to be in. I'm sure someone else on the board might have some ideas, too. Maybe Jan or Krikkit could move this to the boxer ring for more help.

Good luck, keep us posted, Jessica

Zoe-9 mos, plain fawn, cropped, spayed, docked
Jake-2.5 year, yellow lab


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
Moving to the Boxer Ring.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old
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