advice on a regerstered name

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Boxer Booster
I have no clue what to reg. aramis as. dartagnan is : D'artagnan's wishfull thinking. but what to do aramis as I havent got a clue. need some sujestions I just havent found anything with that ring to it.

I understand that many persons follow a similer theme in naming their dogs, so how about "Aramis, the wish fullfilled"?

Peggy G

Boxer Insane
Aramis Von.....then the name of your street? (Von for his German Roots.) Then theres always Aramis Von Jovi...or is that Bon Jovi <wink>.


Boxer Booster
I like aramis the wish fullfilled ...... I was wishfull thinging of aramis when i gave dartagnan that name. that just ties it all together so neatly.
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