
  1. It's Too Cold Here!

    It's Too Cold Here!

    We couldn't get him off of the couch when it got cold!
  2. I want some of that attention!

    I want some of that attention!

    Taken during our visit home for Thanksgiving
  3. Play Fighting

    Play Fighting

    Playing with his big skin brother, Chris.
  4. Mickey and his Friend

    Mickey and his Friend

    Mickey and Eli on the sandbar
  5. Daddy and his Boy

    Daddy and his Boy

    Playing on the Sandbar at low tide at Ft. George Inlet
  6. Mickey, the Watch Boxer

    Mickey, the Watch Boxer

  7. Just Getting A Taste

    Just Getting A Taste

    Just had to get a taste of the baby! Who says that Boxers aren't good with kids?
  8. Afton and Mickey

    Afton and Mickey

  9. 7 Months Old

    7 Months Old

    Finally, I got a sit/stay!
  10. In the Life Jacket on the boat

    In the Life Jacket on the boat

    His first day of boating, and we make sure he's safe!
  11. Time for a Snack

    Time for a Snack

    Getting ready to munch.
  12. Eating the Kitty

    Eating the Kitty

    Trying to eat his kitty, Minnie.
  13. Check out those Ears!

    Check out those Ears!

    Mickey on his perch on the picnic table.
  14. I Want OUT

    I Want OUT

    Looking through the gate at Mom and Dad
  15. 11 Weeks old

    11 Weeks old

    Getting ready to pounce on me in the front yard.
  16. In his Patch of Sunlight

    In his Patch of Sunlight

    Looking outside from his patch of sun.
  17. Mickey at 5 months

    Mickey at 5 months

    Looking very smart for Momma.
  18. Peeking Out From the Cuddy Cabin

    Peeking Out From the Cuddy Cabin

    Mickey was hiding in the Cuddy cabin of our boat.