
  1. A boxer sandwich

    A boxer sandwich

    Derek and his boxers!
  2. Hugs for Duchess

    Hugs for Duchess

    My nephew, Jayden, loves Duchess and Duchess loves her. He spent the day with us recently, and I got some adorable pics of the two together. She is SO GOOD with kids!
  3. Brother with Big Sister

    Brother with Big Sister

    Our skin kid loved to get as close to Brittany as he could then sit down. Ha ha!
  4. Boxer Backrest

    Boxer Backrest

    After sitting next to her, our skin kid thought Brittany seemed like a soft backrest.
  5. Shimmer with kids goats

    Shimmer with kids goats

    We have bottle baby goats once in every now and then. Shimmer doesn't appreciate the attention, but is accepting.
  6. Bestfriends


    My oldest Brenden with his best-fur-friend :)
  7. Lazy Day!

    Lazy Day!

    Emma laying on her skin sister who is also holding her new brother, Kona. Mike is trying to get out of the picture but it didn't work! haha!
  8. Waiting for Daddy to come home

    Waiting for Daddy to come home

    My son Joshua and our boxer Lucy love to watch out the window for my husband to come home from work.
  9. Loving


  10. Two Tired Pups...

    Two Tired Pups...

    Our new puppy, Boogie at 7wks. already "watching" the baby. What a special Bond!!
  11. I wonder what he's thinking?

    I wonder what he's thinking?

    Here's Paco and Kylie.
  12. Pulled him right off his feet

    Pulled him right off his feet

    This action shot mad the poor little guy cry when Paca pulled young John off his feet.
  13. Let me out/Let me in!

    Let me out/Let me in!

    You can't keep these two separate for too long!
  14. Evan and his Girl

    Evan and his Girl

    Tigger's birthday, a stroll in the park
  15. Wrinklie Hugs

    Wrinklie Hugs

    My oldest skinkid, Klein, with Kobe. Aren't they so sweet! :)
  16. Ashley & Hagan & Serena

    Ashley & Hagan & Serena

    Mom and the kids
  17. Best Buds

    Best Buds

    This is a picture of my Daughter and her best friend in the whole world Roxy!!
  18. Best Buddies!

    Best Buddies!

    Eek and Meek. : )
  19. The Kids

    The Kids

    My mom decided she needed a photo with all her "kids," the human ones and the furbabies. People: Dante and Suzanne. Dogs: Gretel, Lilly, and Cookie.
  20. 1-13-02


    Brandi just hope they stay over there...