
  1. Miss Lucy

    Miss Lucy

  2. Khan rests his weary head

    Khan rests his weary head

    My old faithful hound, Khan, sadly no longer with us... But he did make us laugh. This stand was supposed to have a plant on top of it - Khan decided it would be better if he used it as a head rest. (sorry for the poor quality - it's an old Polaroid_
  3. My runt with litter mates.

    My runt with litter mates.

  4. my runt

    my runt

  5. Spoiled Puppy!

    Spoiled Puppy!

    Raven loves all her toys - especially the squeaky ones!
  6. Raven with Soccer Ball

    Raven with Soccer Ball

    Raven loves to play soccer!
  7. Raven on the Bridge

    Raven on the Bridge

    Raven on the bridge, Perserverance Trail
  8. Raven at Outer Point

    Raven at Outer Point

    Raven at the Outer Point beach
  9. Raven by a beaver's tree

    Raven by a beaver's tree

    Raven by a beaver's tree
  10. Raven on the Rocks

    Raven on the Rocks

    Raven on the rocks by the creek
  11. Raven at Sandy Beach

    Raven at Sandy Beach

    Raven at the beach
  12. Raven on the Trail

    Raven on the Trail

    Raven posing on the trail
  13. All that running about is very tiring you know!

    All that running about is very tiring you know!

  14. Nikki


    This is our 3 1/2 year old female brindle. Had her since she was 3 mos. She's a wonderful little girl, and she has mastered the art of tooting!
  15. Baby Java

    Baby Java

    This Picture was taken the day I got Java, when he was only 9 weeks old.