
  1. What is this!?

    What is this!?

  2. Are they up yet?

    Are they up yet?

    This is just after I took the tape off - I suppose they will look different in a couple of hours
  3. What's Next?!?

    What's Next?!?

    First the Ears - now the Socks, what is next? A dress? A leotard? Sheesh!
  4. BIG hug!!

    BIG hug!!

    The vet warned me against putting Ginger with her friends after surgury - I didn't realize it was to protect them from her BIG hugs!! This picture was taken 24 hours after I got her home.
  5. Ginger's New Look

    Ginger's New Look

    This is the morning after photo. I also have pictures that were taken earlier, but this is the first one I got with her IV Band-Aid off. No cup, no cone, she hasn't started messing with them -yet!
  6. Buck w/ cropped ears

    Buck w/ cropped ears

    Here's Buck 3 days after his ear crop before any taping.