
  1. Parker WD/BOW Superstition Kennel Club

    Parker WD/BOW Superstition Kennel Club

    Parker goes WD/BOW for his 3rd major at the Superstition Kennel Club
  2. Parker 2.5 months

    Parker 2.5 months

  3. Bean, Chloe, and Parker

    Bean, Chloe, and Parker

  4. Beanie and Chloe

    Beanie and Chloe

  5. Parker at 4 months in puppy match

    Parker at 4 months in puppy match

  6. Parker at 7 months

    Parker at 7 months

    This is a stacked photo of Parker, Hallmarks Creed, at 7 months 12/09/02
  7. Chloe Best In Sweeps

    Chloe Best In Sweeps

    This is Chloe's win picture from the Boxer Club of San Fernando Valley, Best in Sweepstakes 7/4/02