Teaching your dog to come running to
you when you call is possibly the most important lesson they
can learn. Commence training at a very young age, 9 weeks is
fine, and make sure you use a lot of praise, love and tasty

TangoFurther below is what to do, but it
is most important to understand what NOT to do if you would
like your puppy / dog do have a good, happy, reliable
this is the worst thing you could ever possibly do. Imagine if
every time your Boss called you into his or her office, they
threatened you and cut your wages back. How would you feel
about going into that office? (Most people would hate the Boss
and the Boss's office, and would look for work elsewhere. Your
dog can not do this, he is stuck with you.) No matter how
'mad' you are at your dog, if you call him to you make it
pleasant when he gets there.
DOG unless it is a matter of life or death. This will only
teach your pup the running away is okay, and we all know it
most definitely is not. It is very tempting indeed to be lured
into a game of chasey by your puppy, but resist all temptation
to do this. Your pup can still enjoy a game of chase with you,
but you have to be the one who is pursued. Many dogs who are
in the habit of being chased use it if they do not want to do
something, for instance, you say 'come here', your Boxer gets
that 'look' in his eye and is off around the yard as fast as
he can go - this is NOT a good thing at all, no matter how
'cute' it is when he was little. The best way to get around
this is to never encourage it in the first place, and your pup
will never learn he has the 'option' of running
NOTE: If you are planning on trialing in
obedience, change the 'come' command to something different.
In obedience trialing a lot of people use 'come' as the recall
command, and the trial ring recall if a bit different from the
recall you expect around the home, so will need a different
cue word.
One way to teach the home recall is the
'whistle' method. If you do not whistle, find another loud
noise you can make, which your dog can hear no matter where he
or she is in your house or yard. Make sure you always use the
same noise or type of 'whistle'. Have your puppy close to you,
make the noise or whistle and immediately give a few tasty
treat, if you do this many times your pup will associate that
noise with food. You can gradually increase the distance your
pup is away from you when making your 'come here' noise - be
sure to always treat when your pup arrives and to praise your
puppy as well. If you are very consistent with this, in a few
months your pup will come from anywhere to that noise, and you
should be able to drop giving the treats for say 2 in every 10
recalls, that is, for every 2 where you call your pup because
you have too, and there is no food on hand, make sure you do 8
in a controlled situation when you can offer food.
Food is NOT a bribe, it is a payment for a job well done. You
would not go to work for no payment, and our canine friends
are much the same, if they do a good job, they deserve a
You can also make use of your pup's natural
instincts which make them like to follow the leader. Most
puppies will decide to go with you when you decide to walk
away from them, you can use this by getting a few paces ahead
of them and then call 'come' in a high happy voice. As soon as
your pup gets to you give them lots of pats, cuddles and
praise. Your pup will adore this and you will be well on your
way to a reliable recall if you are consistent.
Another way to get a good start with the recall
command is to seek out the help of another person who the
puppy likes. You can use the hallway in your home, or a fenced
yard. Both of you should crouch down on opposite sides of the
room or yard, with one of you holding the puppy. The person
without the puppy should start calling him or her in a very
happy voice, perhaps clapping hands to or waving a favourite
toy. When the puppy arrives to that person, then he should
receive a treat, lots of praise and a game with the toy. Do
this between the two people a few times in a row, but if your
pup is very young, do not let him got tired or too
overexcited. Remember, when he reaches you, act like he's done
the greatest thing in the whole world! For a pup who is not
the keenest at this, get the 'holder' to restrain him for a
few seconds when the other person starts calling. This minor
'restraint' will make him even keener to go to the person
calling him. Most puppies adore this game.
* NEVER, ever scold your dog when she
comes to you.
* NEVER, ever chase your dog!
* Be
consistent with your training, always go overboard with the
praise and treats with this exercise, and make sure that all
the members of your family are doing the same thing.
* Be
very wary of allowing young children to practice the recall
exercise with your puppy, as they will probably be very
inconsistent and not grasp all the objects of this exercise.
Young children and puppies are often around the same mental
* NEVER allow your puppy off lead in an area which is
not fenced or safe. It only takes a split second for an
accident to happen, and even little pups can move very quickly
when they want to. Pups have no idea about the dangers of the
world which man lives in. It only takes one mistake to lose
your dog forever. If you love him, put his safety first and
keep him on his leash! Even dogs with the highest obedience
titles and most reliable recalls should be kept on lead the
majority of the time.