OK - you've entered
your first show, your dog is trained, bathed and groomed, it's
6 a.m. the morning of the show and you're ready to go! You're
wearing your comfortable, practical shoes and your proper show
attire. You've prepared your bait, packed your dog show bag,
and are ready to hit the road.
Luckily, Boxers
typically show early in the morning so finding a decent
parking spot usually isn't a problem. You will need to have
the entries that you got with the judging program with you -
sometimes you need to show these when you park, sometimes when
you enter the building. Parking usually costs $5 - 10, even
for exhibitors.
Once you get in the building (or
to the ring area, if you're at an outside show), it's a good
idea to find your ring right away. You'll want to arrive at
the show site at the very least a half-hour before your breed
begins. Depending on your dog, you can spend this half-hour
ringside, or away from the crowds (some dogs get too keyed up
ringside - with them it's best to find a quiet space, and go
to ringside shortly before your class goes in.) If Boxers are
first in the ring (which is not at all unusual), you might get
a chance to save a space ringside for yourself - again, it
depends on your dog. Be aware of your dog at all times -
tension can be high at shows, and even the most laid-back dogs
can sometimes get into a scuffle for no apparent reason. Keep
your dog close to you - no 6-foot leads here - and don't let
your dog be rude to other dogs. There are often other breeds
around the ring, and many of them aren't so understanding of
Boxer antics!
Each dog is assigned a catalog
number (this will be on the entry forms you receive as well).
Every show has a printed catalog which lists the information
for every dog in the show - AKC registered name, registration
number, birthdate, sire and dam, breeder, owner(s), owner(s)
location. These can come in handy, especially if you're doing
pedigree research. Catalogs can cost anywhere from $3-$15. The
judges have a special catalog, that only lists the dogs'
Before judging for your class starts
(preferably before your breed starts), you need to pick up
your armband with your dog's catalog number on it. You get
armbands from the ring steward, who is usually near the table
set up just inside the ring - they typically are wearing a
badge or ribbon that says "Steward" on it. Grab a couple of
rubberbands, too (also by the table). The armband goes on your
left arm - you must wear this in the ring so that the judge
can see your number to make his placements.
judges line up a class by catalog order - if you're brand-new
to showing and you have a 6-9 month puppy dog, you might
consider sending your entry in as late as possible - this
gives you a better chance of not being the very first person
to be judged. Pay close attention to the handlers and classes
before you, so you'll know what pattern the judge is
(Judging procedure is discussed under
"What is a dog show" so I'll just highlight some points
When the judge is going over your dog, try
to keep her as still as possible and facing forward. In a
puppy, this is sometimes an impossible task - and judges
understand that. As long as she is moving because of puppy
wiggles, and not shyness or fear, it shouldn't be a huge
problem. The judge will need to be able to perform the
examination, though, so don't let her go wild! Sometimes a
judge will ask you to show them the bite, but often they will
examine it themselves. This is *not* the time to give your dog
liver! Judges do not appreciate putting their hands into a
liver-filled mouth.
Be sure to smile while you're
in the ring - remember, this is supposed to be fun! When
you're doing the down and back (or whatever pattern the judge
asks for), focus on where you're going - look at the corner of
the ring you're heading for. This will help to keep the dog
looking forward, and will keep you from looking at your feet.
As you turn back to the judge, you can take a moment to adjust
the collar and lead (make sure you've practiced this first,
though, outside of the ring, because it can really throw you
off if you're not smooth with it). It is perfectly acceptable
to stop your puppy if she's being bouncy and start your
movement again, as long as you haven't gone more than several
steps. (This applies to the down and to the back.) Again,
watching other handlers will help you to get these tricks
Also, notice the handlers that are doing a
lot of winning. While many people feel politics are strong at
dog shows, especially in Boxers, there is no denying that
professional handlers almost always have an edge over
owner-handlers, simply because handling is how they make their
living. They have to be good at it - and they don't have to
squeeze in practice around 40-hour a week job. A good handler
will be sure that the dog is presented at his best, with
minimal "fussing" from the handler. Sometimes the handler is
so busy setting and re-setting and baiting, you barely notice
the dog.
If your puppy places in the class, you
will need to line up in the ring in order of placement -
usually by the steward's table. The steward and/or the judge
will mark down your number, and give you your ribbon. You may
then leave the ring. Be sure to thank the judge, and
congratulate the winner, even if you disagree with the
placement (this is what good sportsmanship is all about!). If
you take the blue ribbon or second place, you'll need to stay
nearby for Winners/Reserve. Screaming, hollering, and jumping
up and down is not appropriate, whether you're in the ring or
ringside (a debatable exception is when your dog finishes). If
you have questions for the judge about why he placed your dog
the way he did, now is not the time.
Remember, a
judge is only giving you his opinion on your dog on that day -
if you don't like it, remember his name and don't go back to
that judge. Many people keep a judges' book, where they write
down the judges they showed to, what they liked and disliked,
and how fair they felt the placements were. Be warned - if you
find after several shows that you think every single judge
needs his head examined, you may be suffering from "kennel
blindness." You need to step back and take a thorough,
objective look at your dog compared to the breed standard -
without involving your emotions. We all think our Boxers are
the best ones in the world! (And they all are
Once judging for your breed is over, unless you
took Best of Breed and will be competing in Group competition,
you are free to go home. (Group competition is optional, but
it is consider very poor taste to skip the Group if judge who
awarded your dog BOB that day is also judging the Group. Best
in Show competition is mandatory for Group winners.) When you
get home, after you've taken care of your puppy, sit down for
1/2 an hour and think about how your day went, what you did
right, and what you could improve. You may want to keep a
journal. After that, let it go - you've got too much to do
preparing for the next show!