Biting and chewing are perfectly
normal behaviours for a puppy. Pups bite in play as it is all
part of the learning process - they need to bite in order to
learn bite inhibition. They also bite as they lack the self
control of an older dog and get very excited when playing.
Puppies chew as they are teething and chewing eases the pain
of the new teeth coming through.

When your puppy bites
you there are several ways you can handle this. Many people
have success with giving a little 'yelp' or 'ouch' when a
puppy nips them, pulling their hand away. You can also
immediately stop playing with the pup when he or she bites
you, do not scold your pup or say anything, just walk away and
ignore them for a couple of minutes. It does not take them
long to learn that if they bite the game stops.
Do not
worry too much about puppy biting, they will grow out of it
(they will, we promise) and with sensible training your pup
will learn self control and bite inhibition. Never, under any
circumstances, hit or strike out at your puppy when she bites,
this sort of punishment is not understood by your dog at
Puppy chewing is also normal. When teething your
pup will chew practically anything. So if you find your new
$100 pair of shoes in pieces, do not scold your puppy, rather
scold yourself for leaving them out so the pup could get them!
Take care during the teething time to make sure there is
nothing dangerous lying around for your pup to chew - this
includes electrical cords. Provide appropriate chewing toys
for your pup. To stop them chewing on furniture purchase a
product designed for this. There are many good brands
available at your vet or local pet store which have a very
bitter taste to a dog but will not damage your
Chaces are your puppy will chew on something
inappropriate. When you see them doing this scold them with a
verbal reprimand ("Agghh" is good said in a deep voice),
remove the object from them and then give them something they
are allowed to chew. If you consistently do this it will not
take long before your pup understands the 'rules' about
chewing. Remember, to them there is no difference between a
chair leg and a chew toy, but because you are training fairly
and consistently they will soon only chew the toy. Puppies
will grow out of the need to chew when they finish teething.
Expect to have bouts of chewing until your pup is around 15 to
18 or so months old.