Sophie with welts

Sophie with welts

15 wks with welts and hives from a possible spider bite
Your poor sweetie! That's exactly what Molly looked like after an unfortunate bee encounter.
It really didn't seem to bother her too much. But it bothered the heck out of me. They gave her two shots and I had to literally hold her up nearly all that day.Then we followed that with the benedryl tablets. Hope your baby recovered ok. A bee or wasp sting would be alot worse I think, pain wise.
The poor thing how horrible. That happened with Britnee before except it was on her face. I'll see if I can borrow a scanner and post the pic holy cow it was unbelieveable! Hope your baby was ok.
Poor Sophie! Hugo had this happen with a bee sting this summer, he was 7 mths old. It scared the crap out of us too! Hope she'll be ok.

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