Please define "off" for me
jj n vj

Please define "off" for me

Litte Queenie
This is toooo funny! I just love her personality! Your rescue boy is very beautiful as well!
Mine used to sit that way in the captains chair in my van and lean her head out the window! It's the "royalty" attitude.
This is 'daddy's' chair, but Casey loves to take it over whenever anyone leaves it. Just have to leave the room for a second, and BAM!, she's there when you come back. I also share it with her, or Buddy, when watching TV. And sometimes, I'm lucky enough to share it with BOTH of them from time to time. Of course, I have to do a little "reararranging" so that we can all lay comfortably. What fun!
This picture is so funny. She looks like a little old grammie just sitting there relaxing without a care in the world. I love it!
If there was a trophy for pic and title this would get it...I'm still laughing.

Reminds me very much of our passes love Tyson, "off, oh were you talking to me?"

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jj n vj
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