Avalanche caught woo wooing by the camera
Thomas Liggin

Avalanche caught woo wooing by the camera

Avalanche and her sisters. She's the moose of the bunch and already woo woos. Lord help us!
Aaaaww, too cute! You could tell you're going to have your hands full with that baby!
The brindle one, is that Grace? I got an email from Katherine about her. But she was show prospect :(..oh well! This picture is adorable!
AAAW!! this is too cute. I love them all especially the wee white one with the brown spot on his wee head. adorable
I LOVE this pic.. avalanche's li'l lips are sooooooo cute. I just wanna give her a bigggg squeeze!!!
O my goodness...my Roxy has an identical family! theres Avalanche who is white, and then another white one Mcflurry, then her the brindle, then oscar the fawn! WOW so cool:)

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White Boxers
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Thomas Liggin
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